ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS from the printed seed catalogue

1.	CONTRIBUTORS orders will be filled first.  If ordering from our web site: in the subject box, type “Contributor order”; 
        if ordering by mail, indicate “Contributor” on the envelope.  Doing so will allow us to easily create a fair distribution 
        “pool” balancing the email with mail from Asia,  Europe, west and east US coasts etc.

2.	Seed Exchange Catalog  purchases from this 2011 catalog is open only to ARS members after January 1st  until April 1st 2011.  
        Orders from the general public will be accepted after April 1st.

3.	The electronic version of the catalog can be viewed at www.rhododendron.org/seedexchange.htm 
        and/or www.rhododendron.dk/ARS_seed.htm. 
        Please check one of these web sites for information about late arriving seed listings.


 A.   You may select one packet of as many seed lots as you desire. Quantity of seed per packet (usually 50-200 seed) is a function 
      of the amount of seed received from each donor.
 B.   Please use the space provided on the order form to list alternatives to your first choice selections. 
 C.   ARS members  need  not send payment with order.  If paying by credit card, we will bill your credit card through PayPal when 
      your order is shipped.  If paying by check, send payment upon receipt of your seed shipment.  
 D.   Please use the order blank provided. Fill out this form in numeric order of seed lot number.

      Danish chapter members: if you pay your treasurer, please check “Bill Danish Chapter” on your order form.  
      Swedish Chapter members: Swedish Chapter Treasurer prefers you pay using PayPal/credit card. If you pay your treasurer, 
      please check “Bill Swedish Chapter” on your order form.
      All Other International members should pay by PayPal or money order in USD.  

Contact the Seed Exchange Chairman if other payment arrangements are needed.

6.    Seed  Packet charge is $3.00 (plus $3. US and $4. International Shipping and Handling).

7.    Mail Orders to:
		ARS Seed Exchange
		Norman Beaudry, Chairman
		7921 Deepwell Drive
		Bethesda, MD 20817  USA
	Or submit your order either by email to ARSseed@gmail.com or electronically at the ARS web site.

1.    Photo references  etc.  relevant to the internet catalog have been removed from this hard copy listing.  Photos of many of 
      the hybrids and species listed in this hard copy catalog can be viewed at either www.rhododendron.dk/alfabet.html (species), 
      www.hirsutum.info or at the ARS web site www.rhododendron.org 
      Every effort has been made to avoid spelling errors; species are listed by the name supplied by the contributor and thus 
      may vary from the 2010 classification system.  Not all hybrid names are registered or found in other reference works.

2.    We would like to thank all the seed contributors for without their participation, there would not be a seed exchange. 
      Also we thank our volunteers for their hours spent cleaning, packaging  and cataloging this 2011 listing.  Thanks to 
      Bob Weissman, ARS webmaster and  Hans Eiberg, Danish webmaster for on-line catalog versions.  Thanks to Carol Segree 
      for printing,  our proof readers, Werner Brack and Bob Weissman who read and corrected my typos and entry errors.  
      Seed cleaning and packaging of over five thousand seed packets were done by Jean and Norman Beaudry.

3.    Hard Copy Catalogs will be mailed to 2011 contributors without access to email and the electronic copy of the catalog and  
      to ARS members  requesting a copy. 

4.    The Pollen-to-Seed Program.  Seed contributors are entitled request up to $50. in pollen from the Rhododendron Species 
      Foundation.  If you think that you will need and can justify additional pollen for your breeding program, send your 
      request to the SE Chairman