Phylogenetic tree of the Rhododendron genues 10 species

Calculated by use of the PHYLIP package,

by Hans Eiberg.

Sequencies from BioBase: 
      by  Kron,K.A.   Biology, Wake Forest University,
            Winston-Salem, NC 27109-7325, USA
 Phylogenetics of Rhododendroideae (Ericaceae) Unpublished

programe DNACOMP  
ribosomal maturase (matK) gene,

One most parsimonious tree found:

  +--------------------------R ovatum  
--3  +-----------------------R hongkongboense 
  !  !  
  !  !                    +--R kiusianum 
  +--8  +-----------------6  
     !  !                 +--R kaempferii 
     !  !  
     +--2                 +--R hippophaeoides
        !     +-----------7  
        !     !           +--R edgewortii
              !     +--------Ledum palustre (R. tomentosum)  
              !     !  
              +-----9     +--R grande  
                    !  +--5  
                    +--1  +--R falconeri 
                       +-----R molle   

  remember: (although rooted by outgroup) this is an unrooted tree!

total number of compatible sites is     1516.0

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