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Rhododendron species, E

Plant Photo Bank of China (PPBC), E

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Flora of China

PPBC, 2011

Rhododendron ebianense PPBC, txt
Rhododendron eclecteum PPBC, fig
Rhododendron eclecteum var. bellatulum ?
Rhododendron eclecteum var. eclecteum
Rhododendron edgarianum
Rhododendron edgeworthii PPBC, mange
Rhododendron elegantulum PPBC, txt
Rhododendron ellipticum PPBC, txt
Rhododendron emarginatum PPBC, fig
Rhododendron erastum
Rhododendron erastum PPBC, txt
Rhododendron erastum
Rhododendron ericoides PPBC, 3
Rhododendron eriobotryoides PPBC, intet
Rhododendron erosum PPBC, txt
Rhododendron x erythrocalyx Balf. F. et Forrest PPBC, txt
Rhododendron esetulosum PPBC, txt
Rhododendron euchroum PPBC, txt
Rhododendron eudoxum PPBC, 1
Rhododendron eudoxum var. brunneifolium PPBC, txt
Rhododendron eudoxum var. eudoxum
Rhododendron eudoxum var. mesopolium PPBC, intet
Rhododendron eurysiphon PPBC, txt
Rhododendron exasperatum PPBC, txt
Rhododendron excellens PPBC, mange

= On the red list
= Not on the red list -- updating