ARS Seed Exchange List
Members located in the EU have until Feb 7 to participate in the group order of ARS Seed Exchange.
Pollen-to-Seed Program
To encourage participation in the ARS Seed Exchange program, and to make available quality pollen, ARS Seed Exchange contributors are entitled to request up to a $50.00 in credit for pollen purchases made each year from the Rhododendron Species Botanical Garden at or a catalog may be requested by mail at RSBG, PO Box 3798, Federal Way, WA 98063.
To participate, we ask you to submit your order and identify yourself as an ARS seed contributor. The RSBG will mail pollen directly to you and then bill the Seed Exchange.
- h.p. – Hand pollinated seeds
- c.p. – Controlled pollination. (Stigma covered after pollination)
- o.p. – Open pollination
- c.w. – Collected in the wild. comp. – Companion plants
- Lots marked with strikethrough are “sold out”.
Photo’s of Species, Danish Chapter
Species and Hybrids, ARS
Short species description from RSBG; A-C, D-J, K-P, Q-Z
Ordering of seeds from ARS Seed Exchange will this year (for all of Europe) go through ARS. It is important that you write the order in numerical order to make the work easier.
Order directy on ARS order form.
Sorted list for 2025
Chris Trautmann, Oregon USA25-001 h.p. Amy Goldlust X Bob Furman’s Best Yellow25-002 h.p. [(Golden Horseshow x macabeanum #1) X [(yakushimanum x rex) x macabeanum FGW1] Goal: Yellow flowered big leaf.
25-003 h.p. magnificum “A” – FGW1 x magnificum “B” – FGW1 Goal: Foliage
25-004 h.p. magnificum “A” – FGW1 x magnificum “C” – FGW1 Goal: Foliage
25-005 h.p. magnificum “B” – FGW1 x magnificum “C” – FGW1 Goal: Foliage25-006 h.p. protistum FGW1 x macabeanum FGW1 Goal: Big Leaf – Foliage
1 FGW = Flavell Garden West
Betty Ann Addison, Minnesota USA25-007 h.p. Haaga X Slam Dunk
25-008 com. Lobelia cardinalis, Minnesota native form
Ken Griffith, North Carolina USA
25-009 h.p. (Anne Hardgrove x Brim #14) X Black Widow
25-010 h.p. (Anne Hardgrove x Whitney’s Late Orange) X Black Widow
25-011 h.p. {[Dexter’s Giant Red x (BFBY1 x Atlantic Gold)] x irroratum} X [(Yellow Pippin x Autumn Gold) x (Janet Blair x yellow decorum)] Goal: Yellows with red spots.25-012 h.p. [(Pink Dawn x Oakland Moonlight) x BFBY1] X Bea McDonald
1 BFBY = Bob Furman’ Best Yellow
Frederick Thurber, Massachusetts USA
25-013 o.p. Atlantic Gold25-014 h.p. auriculatum RSF 1458 X auriculatum RSF 1458 Two different plants.
25-015 h.p. auriculatum RSF 1458 X griffithianum RSF 92/053
25-016 h.p. [Cadis x (fortunei Lu Shan x Loderi King George)]1 X (Dexter’s Peppermint x glanduliferum RSF 98/797)
25-017 h.p. [Cadis x (fortunei Lu Shan x Loderi King George)]1 X griffithianum RSF 92/053
25-018 h.p. Campfire Peach X (BFBY2 x Atlantic Gold)
25-019 h.p. Campfire Peach X Kehr’s Hardy Loderi
25-020 h.p. Dexter’s Honeydew X (Dexter’s Peppermint x glanduliferum RSF 98/797)
25-021 h.p. fortunei RSF 2942 X maoerense RSF 2013/323
25-022 h.p. Francesca X (BFBY2 x Atlantic Gold)
25-023 h.p. Heritage Main street X Kehr’s Hardy Loderi
25-024 h.p. Roseum Elegans X griffithianum RSF 92/053
1 From ARS Seed exchange 2010/376.
2 BFBY = Bob Furman’ Big Yellow
John Weagle, Nova Scotia Canada25-025 h.p. (brachycarpum ‘Tong Law’ x rex ssp. fictolacteum) Note: isolated
25-026 o.p. dauricum var. nanum ‘Compactum Roseum’ Note: Comes true
25-027 o.p. Jersey Mammoth125-028 h.p. kaempferi ex Hokkaido X sister plant
25-029 o.p. keiskei ‘Yaku Fairy’
25-030 o.p. kiusianum Note: mixed colors
25-031 h.p. lutescens JN #00935, selfed
25-032 o.p. mucronulatum ‘Cheju’
25-033 o.p. (mucronulatum ‘Woodland Pink’ x mucronulatum ‘Cornell Pink’)25-034 c.w. spinuliferum NN0945 Note: collected near northern limit.
25-035 h.p. Sundust X Gotham Rheingold
1 Jersey Mammoth = brachycarpum ssp. tigerstedtii x macabeanum ‘Earl of Stair’
Hannu Saarilati, Finland
25-036 o.p. camtschaticum Note: a mixture of seed from lilac and red plants.
25-037 c.p. Elviira X Böhmen
25-038 c.p. Yaku King X Böhmen
25-039 c.p. Yaku King X pseudochrysanthum Exbury form, RSF1975/189
25-040 c.p. Yaku King X rothschildii, RSF 2003/257
David Cain, Maine USA
25-041 h.p. Scintillation X Proclaim Note: Not emasculated.
25-042 h.p. Hardgrove’s Deepest Yellow X Bigger Deal1
25-043 h.p. Scintillation X Hardgrove’s Deepest Yellow
25-044 h.p. Wheatley X (yuefengense x Sally Fuller)
25-045 h.p. Mark’s Purple2 X (yuefengense x Sally Fuller)
25-046 h.p. Dark Lord X (yuefengense x Sally Fuller)
25-047 h.p. maximum seedling #23 X Hardgrove’s Deepest Yellow
25-048 h.p. degronianum ssp. heptamerum X Hardgrove’s Deepest Yellow
25-049 h.p. Mark’s Purple2 X Dark Lord
25-050 h.p. maximum seedling #33 x Hardgrove’s Deepest Yellow
1 Bigger Deal is a tentative name on a plant purchased at Massachusetts chapter.
2 Mark’s Purple developed by Mark Stavish at Eastern Plant Specialties. Very large, very hardy purple.
3 Both maximum seedlings purchased from Eastern Plant Specialties, Georgetown, Maine.
Peter Norris, Massachusetts USA
25-051 h.p. Belva’s Joy X BFBY1
25-052 h.p. BFBY1 X Belva’s Joy
25-053 h.p. BFBY1 X Cheyenne
25-054 o.p. Campfire Belle
25-054A o.p. (Consolini’s Windmill x Unique Marmalade) X (Karen Triplett x Big Deal)#3
25-055 h.p. Ed Williams X BFBY1
25-056 o.p. faithiae Note: So late blooming that it is isolated.
25-057 o.p. faithiae X griffithianum
25-058 h.p. Frank Galsworthy X BFBY1
25-059 h.p. Furnivall’s Daughter X BFBY1
25-060 o.p. (Hardy Giant X falconeri)
25-061 h.p. Horizon Lakeside X Cheyenne25-062 h.p. Mary Belle X BFBY1
25-063 o.p. [Peggy’s Freckles X (yuefengense x Sally Fuller)]
25-064 o.p. Summer Rose
25-065 h.p. [(Vulcan x Rio) x yellow fortunei] X Cheyenne
25-066 h.p. War Dance X BFBY1
25-067 o.p. (yuefengense x Sally Fuller)
25-068 com. Calycanthus ‘Aphrodite’ Note: An improvement over ‘Hartlage Wine’.
25-069 com. Franklinia alatamaha Note: Cold stratify for 8-10 weeks.
25-070 com. Lobelia cardinalis
1 BFBY = Bob Furman’ Best Yellow
Joe Bruso, Massachusetts USA
25-071 h.p. cardiobasis “Alan Clark” X auriculatum Goal: Large, fragrant, white flowers.
25-072 h.p. Lumos1 X Bob Furman’s Big Yellow Goal: Large, yellow or tropical-colored flowers.
25-073 h.p. Lumos1 X [(fortunei x anwheiense) x Percy Wiseman (Boulderwoods Peach)] Goal: Peachy flowers.
25-074 h.p. (maximum Red Pic x elegantulum red #1) X pachysanthum Goal: Red max effect, indumentum/tomentum.25-075 h.p. [Nepal x (fortunei x rex ssp. fictolacteum)] X faithiae 2021RSF2014/103 Goal: Large fragrant mid/late season bloomer.
25-076 o.p. pentaphyllum Note: Comes true from op seed.
25-077 h.p. (Red River x strigillosum) X (makinoi x strigillosum) Goal: Red flowers, thin, bristly leaves/stems.
25-078 h.p. Shrimp Girl X (Cupcake x pachysanthum #1 tall) Goal: Peachy flowers, indumentum ∧ tomentum, compact grower.
25-079 h.p. yakushimanum “Bovee’s Dwarf” X pachysanthum Goal: Intense white tomentum on a compact plant.
25-080 h.p. (yakushimanum x ririei #1) X (fortunei Lu Shan x huanum) Goal: Recover deep purple color from ririei ∧ huanum with large flowers.
25-081 h.p. (yakushimanum x ririei #1) X (yakushimanum x ririei #2) Goal: Recover deep purple color from ririei.
25-082 h.p. (yuefengense x platypodum #1) X (yuefengense x platypodum #2) Goal: Round, thick leaves.
1 Lumos = JB X September Song
Thomas Chen, Massachusetts USA25-083 h.p. asterochnoum RSF 4255 Note: h.p. between two different plants of same species
25-084 h.p. Minnetonka X (fortunei x huanum) Goal: Compact, hardy lavender.
25-085 o.p. Rudy Berg Note: Rudy Berg = oreodoxa x orbiculare.25-086 h.p. Rudy Berg X Rosevallon Goal: Zone 6 hardy, early red flowers, red foliage.
25-087 h.p. (Tuffet x vernicosum) X Rosevallon Goal: Zone 6 hardy, red foliage.25-088 h.p. Yummy Yak X (Cupcake x pachysanthum) Goal: dwarf, indumented, interesting flower color.
Kristian Theqvist, Finland
25-089 c.p. Annuska1 X (P.M.A. Tigerstedt x Blue Bell)2 Goal: Purple flowers with strong blotch.
25-090 c.p. brachycarpum ssp. tigerstedtii3 X Silberpfeil14 Goal: Large leaves, strong growth.
25-091 c.p. brachycarpum ssp. tigerstedtii3 X watsonii5 Goal: Large leaves, strong growth.
25-092 c.p. brachycarpum var. roseum6 X insigne7 Goal: Species F1 cross, low growth, shiny indumentum.
25-093 c.p. Dagmar8 X fortunei9 Goal: Fragrant flowers
25-094 c.p. faberi ssp. prattii10 X watsonii5 Goal: Species F1 cross, large indumented leaves.
25-095 c.p. Haaga11 X faberi ssp. prattii10 Goal: Indumented leaves.
25-096 c.p. Haaga11 X Silberpfeil4 Goal: Large indumented leaves.
25-097 c.p. Gradito12 X Foxy Lady13 Goal: Good indumented leaves.
25-098 c.p. Gradito12 X Silberpfeil4 Goal: Large indumented leaves.
25-099 c.p. Lumotar14 X Loisto15 Goal: Yellow fragrant flowers.
25-100 c.p. Lumotar14 X Weinlese16 Goal: Red fragrant flowers.
25-101 c.p. Pekka17 X faberi ssp. prattii10 Goal: Indumented leaves.
25-102 c.p. Petteri18 X Loisto15 Goal: Orange flowers.25-103 c.p. pseudochrysanthum20 X smirnowii21 Goal: Species F1 cross, beautiful leaves.
25-104 o.p. Punamax22 Goal: Red maximum
25-105 c.p. Punamax22 X degronianum ssp. heptamerum var. hondoense f. micranthum22 Goal: Indumented leaves, red maximum type.
25-106 c.p. Punamax22 X fortunei9 Goal: Species F1 cross, red maximum type, fragrant flowers?
25-107 c.p. smirnowii21 X (brachycarpum ssp. tigerstedtii x auriculatum)24 Goal: Large leaves, fragrant white flowers.
25-108 c.p. smirnowii21 X wardii25 Goal: Species F1 cross, yellow flowers?
1 Annuska: (Hachmann’s Charmant X P.M.A. Tigerstedt), a cross by Kristian Theqvist, white flowers with large red orange blotch
2 (P.M.A. Tigerstedt x Blue Bell): a cross by Kristian Theqvist, code name PMABlueB-02, purple flowers with strong dark red purple blotch
3 brachycarpum ssp. tigerstedtii: robust, cold-hardy shrub with large, leathery, dark green leaves and clusters of white flowers
4 Silberpfeil: (smirnowii X rex), a cross by Gerd Eiting, huge leaves with good indumentum, strong growth, delicate purple flowers changing to white
5 watsonii: shrub or small tree distinguished by its thick, leathery, dark green leaves with a woolly, rust-colored underside and its bell-shaped, creamy white to pale yellow flowers
6 brachycarpum var. roseum: in its dwarf form, native to Hokkaido, is a low growing shrub, having delicate pink flowers with red brown spotting
7 insigne: lower surface of leaves with a compacted fawn indumentum embedded in a shining surface film, widely campanulate pink flowers with a darker median stripe down each lobe
8 Dagmar: decorum X Pink Pearl, a cross by Bohumil Kavka (c. 1965), purple pink fragrant flowers
9 fortunei: large, fragrant-flowered shrub with glossy, oblong leaves and clusters of funnel-shaped, pale pink to white flowers
10 faberi ssp. prattii: compact shrub native to China, known for its leathery, oblong leaves with a dense, rust-colored indumentum beneath, and striking clusters of funnel-shaped, pink to purple flowers
11 Haaga: (brachycarpum ssp. tigerstedtii X Dr. H. C. Dresselhuys), a hardy cultivar from the Rhododendron Breeding Programmes, carried out by the University of Helsinki in collaboration with Arboretum Mustila 1973 – 2000, fuchsine pink flowers with dark red spots
12 Gradito: (Blurettia X smirnowii), a hardy cross by Hans Hachmann, bright pink flowers change to white, grayish indumentum
13 Foxy Lady: yakushimanum hybrid, a cross by Bengt Carlsson, yaku type dense growth, thick indumentum, white flowers
14 Lumotar: (Helsinki University X fortunei), a cross by Jussi Lähteenmäki, named and registered by Kristian Theqvist, white fragrant flowers, stamens are petaloid type
15Loisto: (Elsie Maria X Böhmen), a cross by Kristian Theqvist, orange yellow flowers, low growth
16 Weinlese: (Fabia Group x smirnowii) X smirnowii, a cross by Walter Nagel, red flowers, blooms regularly also in the autumn
17 Pekka: (brachycarpum ssp. tigerstedtii X smirnowii hybrid), a hardy cultivar from the Rhododendron Breeding Programmes, carried out by the University of Helsinki in collaboration with Arboretum Mustila 1973 – 2000, light pink flowers with brown spotting
18 Petteri: (brachycarpum ssp. tigerstedtii X wardii), a cross by P.M.A. Tigerstedt, named and registered by Kristian Theqvist, cream white flowers with red spotting
20 pseudochrysanthum: compact, rounded shrub native to Taiwan, known for its attractive silver-gray foliage with a loose brownish indumentum beneath and clusters of delicate, bell-shaped white to pale pink flowers
21 smirnowii: hardy shrub with thick, leathery, deep green leaves covered in a dense, woolly, silver to rusty-brown indumentum on the underside, and produces showy clusters of pink to purplish-pink flowers
22 Punamax: a selection of red maximum, named and registered by Kristian Theqvist
23 degronianum ssp. heptamerum var. hondoense f. micranthum: a form of degronianum from Kyushu, Japan, featuring relatively large pink flowers and dark red midribs on its indumented leaves
24 (brachycarpum ssp. tigerstedtii X auriculatum), a cross by Jaakko Saarinen, code name BVTAuric-04, very large leaves, large fragrant white flowers
25 wardii: a nice clone from the Kunming-Gothenburg Botanical Expedition 1993, collection number KBG-19, cream yellow flowers with red spotting
Photos and information on hybrids and species used in the crosses:
Frederick Thurber, Massachusetts USA
25-109 h.p. fortunei RSF 2942 X qiaojiaense RSF 2015/116
25-110 h.p. Daniel’s Pleasant Bay Fragrance X (Dexter’s Peppermint x glanduliferum RSF 98/797) Note: Daniel was a breeder who worked with Dexter Heritage plants.
25-111 h.p. Dexter’s Honey Dew X (Dexter’s Peppermint x glanduliferum RSF 98/797
Mike McCullough, California USA
25-112 c.w. columbianum Note: Commonly known as western Labrador tea.25-113 c.w. occidentale – Azalea State Reserve #22041
25-114 c.w. occidentale – Flynn Creek #19032
25-115 c.w. occidentale – GG23
25-116 c.w. occidentale – Hollister Hills State Vehicular Area
25-117 c.w. occidentale – Low Divide #36014
25-118 c.w. occidentale – Mt Tam #1312525-119 c.w. occidentale – Mt Tam #2303625-120 c.w. occidentale – Mt Tam #27047
25-121 c.w. occidentale – Patrick’s Point #31108
25-122 c.w. occidentale – Portola Redwoods State Park925-123 c.w. occidentale – Sea Ranch #16051025-124 c.w. occidentale – Siskiyou #130711
25-125 c.w. occidentale – Siskiyou #140212
25-126 c.w. occidentale – Siskiyou Eight Dollar Rd13
25-127 c.w. occidentale – Stagecoach Hill
25-128 com. Darlingtonia californica (California pitcher plant)
1 Pink and white candy stripe flower, orange flare. Red tube and red rays on outside of petal.
2 2.5″ pink and white candy stripe flower, orange flare.
3 Discovered by Gene German. Tallest occidentale Frank Mossman had seen.
4 Pink and white candy strip flowers, orange flare with pink streak running up the middle.
5 Ten 2.5″ white flower, yellow to orange flare, pink tube. Some have 6 petals.
6 White, 7-11 flowers per truss. Yellow flare fades with age.
7 White 2.5″ flower, 17 per truss. Orange flare fading to yellow.
8 White 2.25″ flower, 16-18 per truss. Yellow flare with faint pink line up middle.
9 White flowers, yellow flare and pink tube.
10 Pink and white candy stripe flower with pink on most upper wing petals. Orange w/ pink flare.
11 White flower, 13 per truss, pink tube, pink lines and yellow flare. Floriferous. Reddish fall foliage.
12 Mostly pastel Pink 2″ flower with light yellow throat, 6-12 flower per truss. Reddish fall foliage.
13 Reddish fall foliage.
Ray Clack, Oregon USA
25-129 o.p. arizelum
25-130 o.p. arizelum Rock #102
25-131 o.p. Betty Anderson
25-132 o.p. calendulaceum #1
25-133 o.p. calendulaceum #2
25-134 o.p. Chemainus
25-135 o.p. Cheyenne
25-135A o.p. Clear Creek Note: A named Aromi hybrid.
25-136 o.p. Cool house purple
25-137 o.p. denudatum
25-138 o.p. Elephant Ears
25-139 o.p. Ellie Green
25-140 o.p. Loderi King George
25-141 o.p. Loderi Sir Edmund
25-142 o.p. nuttallii
25-143 o.p. vernicosum
25-144 o.p. wilsoniae
25-145 o.p. Noyo Brave
25-146 o.p. Perfectly Pink25-147 o.p. (degronianum ssp. yakushimanum x bureavii)
Rhododendron Species Botanical Garden, Washington USA25-148 h.p. arboreum ssp. delavayi (high altitude form) 2006/434/ SEH #224
25-149 h.p. argyrophyllum ssp. hypoglaucum
25-150 h.p. asterochnoum 981457 X asterochnoum 981652
25-151 h.p. barbatum 75/253
25-152 h.p. basilicum 2013/432 SEH#25070 X 2008/282 KR#753225-153 h.p. brevinerve 2017/183 CDHM #1462725-154 h.p. calophytum var. openshawianum (narrow leaf form) 2000/150 SEH#104 X 2000/166 SEH#10425-155 h.p. (campylocarpum x thomsonii) X griffithianum (i.e. Penjerrick Group)25-156 h.p. cardiobasis (the real thing)
25-157 h.p. cardiobasis (the real thing) X griffithianum
25-158 h.p. cinnabarinum ssp. cinnabarinum 2006/336 KCSH#0365
25-159 h.p. coeloneuron (best foliage form) 2000/255 SEH#122 X 2000/254 SEH#122
25-160 h.p. coryanum (pink flowered) 2003/167 KR #1365
25-161 h.p. crinigerum
25-162 h.p. decorum X griffithianum 2008/228 KCSH#0390
25-163 h.p. decorum ssp. decorum 2001/252 DJHC #98134 X decorum ssp. decorum
25-163A h.p. decorum ssp. decorum25-164 h.p. denudatum 139 SD 2004 X denudatum 98/666
25-165 h.p. faithiae 2014/113 CGG#14142 X 2014/011 CGG#14142
25-166 h.p. fortunei ssp. fortunei selfed (round leaf form)
25-166A h.p. fortunei ssp. fortunei 79/160 x 2008/40125-167 h.p. fulvum 801079
25-168 h.p. glanduliferum 98/626 X 98/671 SEH#174 (Yunnan or “type” form, flowering in late summer)
25-169 h.p. grande 66/554 X 81/109
25-170 h.p. griersonianum 77-284
25-171 h.p. griffithianum 2008/450 X griffithianum 2008/464 KC #0101
25-172 h.p. guihainianum 2022/192 CDHM #1467425-173 h.p. hemsleyanum 94/40925-174 h.p. irroratum ssp. yilriangense 98/1667 X 98/466
25-175 h.p. kesangiae 91/022 BB#881925-175A h.p. kesangiae 206/1248 CS#0362 X kesangiae 2003/006 BB#882725-176 h.p. lanatum 2016/257
25-177 h.p. levinei 2018/018 CGG#14162
25-178 h.p. liliiflorum 2012/052 CGG#14066
25-179 h.p. lindleyi 2000/253 BB#8840
25-180 h.p. Loderi Group ‘Venus’ X Loderi Group ‘Irene Stead’ (pink on pink)25-181 h.p. macabeanum 96/016 X macabeanum 96/025
25-182 h.p. maddenii ssp. maddenii (Polyandrum Group X ‘Pink Trumpets’) Note: Pink Trumpets is not a hybrid name25-183 h.p. morii Red Bud 77/377 X morii 77/377
25-184 h.p. nipponicum
25-185 h.p. niveum 99/520 x #2463
25-186 h.p. ochraceum
25-187 h.p. oligocarpum 2015/075 CGG #14057 X oligocarpum 2023/152 CGG#14057
25-188 h.p. orbiculare25-189 h.p. pentaphyllum
25-190 h.p. pingianum 98/042 X pingianum 99/114 SEH#05525-191 h.p. platypodum X yuefengense
25-192 h.p. polytrichum 2017/312 JN#1238025-193 h.p. praevernum
25-194 h.p. quinquefolium
25-195 h.p. schlippenbachii 80/163 selfed
25-196 h.p. semnoides 3002/200 TO#9202
25-197 h.p. sinofalconeri 2000/191 X sinofalconeri 2000/188 SEH#22925-198 h.p. strigillosum
25-199 h.p. taggianum 2001/031 CCHH #8108 X 2001/123 CCHH #8108
25-200 h.p. thomsonii selfed 71/61725-201 c.w. wallichii 2007/345 KUSH #1036425-202 c.w. watsonii25-203 c.w. wiltonii withdrawn
25-204 com. benhallii (Menziesia ciliicalyx) glaucous foliage, blue foliage form
25-205 com. benhallii (Menziesia ciliicalyx) late spring, dark purple flowers, dwarf form
25-206 com. benhallii (Menziesia ciliicalyx) early spring, cream flowers
25-207 com. Enkianthus chinensis red fruit form
Bob Zimmerman, Washington USA
25-208 h.p. degronianum ssp. yakushimanum ex seedlings from RSBG seed
25-209 h.p. denudatum ex ZHNP 139
25-210 h.p. moupinense reddest forms yet x sibling
25-211 h.p. pachysanthum Buckskin X Cox seedling
25-212 h.p. souliei ex ZHNP
25-213 o.p. williamsianum
25-214 o.p. wiltonii Note: From a grove of three mature wiltonii.
25-215 o.p. yuefengense
Jaakko Saarinen, Finland
25-216 h.p. japonicum Note: Salmon-orange forms in Arboretum Mustila.
25-217 h.p. Sun Fire X Ted’s Cream Cracker Goal: Late with unusual color-combinations.
25-218 h.p. Alexey X yuefengense Goal: Late and compact with large flowers.
Jeff Thompson, Massachusetts USA
25-219 h.p. Anah Kruschke X fortunei1 Goal: hardy fragrant purple.
25-220 h.p. fortunei1 selfed Goal: fragrant
25-221 h.p. fortunei1 X Dick Brooks Goal: fragrant pink pink, good foliage.
25-222 h.p. fortunei1 X Dorothy Swift Goal: indumentum and fragrant.
25-223 h.p. Francesca X fortunei1 Goal: moderately hardy (zone 5), fragrant red.25-224 h.p. Morning Cloud X Today & Tomorrow25-225 h.p. Neato X brachycarpum
25-226 h.p. Neato X degronianum ssp. heptamerum2
1 Nearing form.
2 AKA metternichii.
Thomasz Cyba, Poland
25-227 h.p. Apollonia X farinosum25-228 h.p. Apollonia X Great Dane
25-229 h.p. Dotella X Spätlese Goal: large red flowers on a fortunei-like plant.
25-230 h.p. Ken Janeck X Great Dane
25-231 h.p. (fortunei ssp. discolor x yuefengense) X yakushimanum Schneekissen
25-232 h.p. yakushimanum Schneekissen X Jersey Mammoth
Lloyd Gilmore, British Columbia Canada
25-233 h.p. [Apricot Fantasy x (Horizon Lakeside x Parksville Sunset)] X [Champagne Lace x (Butter Brickle x Marie Stark)]
25-234 h.p. [Apricot Fantasy x (Horizon Lakeside x Parksville Sunset)]#2 X [(Jeda x Dexter’s Spice) x (Marie Starks x flinkii)]
25-235 h.p. [Champagne Lace x (Butter Brickle x Marie Starks)] yellow X [Champagne Lace x (Butter Brickle x Marie Starks)] orange
25-236 h.p. [Champagne Lace x (decorum Cox #732 2006 x Dexter’s Spice)] X (Pure Pleasure x Dexter’s Peppermint)
25-237 h.p. [(Jeda x sanguineum var. haemaleum) x Brigadoon] X Rubicon
25-238 c.w. macrophyllum Manning Park
25-239 h.p. (Many Moons x macageanum)#2 X (Many Moons x Jeda) Note: memori Paul Wurz.
25-240 h.p. (Pure Pleasure x Dexter’s Peppermint) X (decorum Cox #732 2006 seedling x Dexter’s Spice)
Contributors to ARS Seed Exchange
Name, Location LOTS
Chris Trautmann, Oregon USA 1-6
Betty Ann Addison, Minnesota USA 7-8
Bob Zimmerman, Washington USA 208-215
David Cain, Maine USA 41-50
Frederick Thurber, Massachusetts USA 13-24
Frederick Thurber, Massachusetts USA 109-111
Hannu Saarilati, Finland 36-40
Jeff Thompson, Massachusetts USA 219-226
Joe Bruso, Massachusetts USA 71-82
John Weagle, Nova Scotia Canada 25-35
Jaakko Saarinen, Finland 216-218
Ken Griffith, North Carolina USA 9-12
Kristian Theqvist, Finland 89-108
Lloyd Gilmore, British Columbia Canada 233-240
Mike McCullough, California USA 112-128
Peter Norris, Massachusetts USA 51-70
Ray Clack, Oregon USA 129-147
Rhododendron Species Botanical Garden, Washington USA 148-207
Thomas Chen, Massachusetts USA 83-88
Thomasz Cyba, Poland 227-232