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Rhododendron valentinianum var. oblongilobatum aff. R.valentinioides Til V R. valentinianum

Rhododendron kuomeianum

 R. valentinianum var. oblongilobatum at Bent Ernebjerg, photo: Bent Ernebjerg
R. valentinianum var. oblongilobatum aff.? 2015. Foto: Bent Ernebjerg

 R.valentinianum var. oblongilobatum at Bent Ernebjerg, photo: Bent Ernebjerg
R. valentinianum var. oblongilobatum? Foto: Bent Ernebjerg i 2015

 R. valentinianum var. oblongilobatum at Bent Ernebjerg, photo: Bent Ernebjerg
R. valentinianum var. oblongilobatum? Foto: Bent Ernebjerg

 R. valentinianum var. oblongilobatum at Bent Ernebjerg, photo: Bent Ernebjerg
R. valentinianum var. oblongilobatum? Foto: Bent Ernebjerg

 R. valentinianum var. oblongilobatum at Bent Ernebjerg, photo: Bent Ernebjerg
R. valentinianum var. oblongilobatum? Foto: Bent Ernebjerg

 R. valentinianum var. oblongilobatum at Bent Ernebjerg, photo: Bent Ernebjerg
R. valentinianum var. oblongilobatum? Foto: Bent Ernebjerg

 R. valentinianum var. oblongilobatum at Bent Ernebjerg, photo: Bent Ernebjerg
R. valentinianum var. oblongilobatum? Foto: Bent Ernebjerg

R. (valentinianum var.) oblongilobatum aff. (Boothia / Maddenia). Buske, 1-1,5 m høj; Bladstilk ca.3 mm skællet og håret; bladplade læderagtige, aflang-elliptiske, 3-4,5 (-5,5) × 2-2,5 (-3) cm; bladspids og bladbase ikke rundede; bladundersiden grøn, skællene forskellig størrelse med 1 skældiameters afstand; bladoverfladen dyb grøn, uden skæl; sidenerver uanselige på begge overflader. Bladrand kraftig håret. Blomsterstand endestillet med 2-3 blomster. Blomsterstilk 2.2 cm, skællede, uden hår; blomsterbægerets lapper ca. 5 mm, aflang-ovale, skællende; kronblade klokkeformet, hvid med gul rand, 3,5 cm, rør ? mm, kronens yderside skællet; kronlapper spidse, 1,5-2 cm; Calyx ikke håret, men skællet 10 støvdragere, så lange eller lidt kortere end kronen; støvdragere hvide og hårede ( den nederste halvdel); frugtknuden 5-rummet, tæt skællet; griflen 1,5 cm, ikke slap og kortere end støvdragerne, glat. Vildtvoksende i krat; Kina.
Hans Eiberg, Ole Jonny Larsen, Bent Ernebjerg, 2015

Flora of China, R. valentinianum var. oblongilobatum
RBGE Herbarium; R. oblongilobatum

Planten kan minde om R. dekatanum, men denne har en bøjet og tykkere griffel og hårene på bladranden falder hurtigt af.

R. dekatatum Foto: Gart Wedemire

Artikel: Yu-HangChang et al.
RSBG newsletter 46:2

It was widely distributed by the RSBG, Glendoick, etc. under the collection number SEH#171 as “R. species nova” for many years. It was not seen in the wild again until about 20 years later when Jens Nielsen and botanists from the Kunming Institute of Botany managed to relocate it after several attempts in the same location in northeastern Yunnan. They confirmed that it was indeed a new species and just this year, 26 years after it was first collected, they officially described and published this new Maddenia as the species R. kuomeianum. Many of you are probably already growing this in your gardens – time to update your label! As our scope of knowledge in this field is ever changing, there has been another recent name clarification in a very taxonomically confusing group. Scientists have identified the need to change the status of the taxon currently known as R. valentinianum var. oblongilobatum. This taxon, introduced under the collection number JN#11080 from westcentral Yunnan, has a sharply deflexed style, placing it in subsection Boothia rather than as an isolated variety of the species valentinianum, a member of subsection Maddenia found on the Yunnan / Burma frontier. Thus, if you are growing this collection the proper name is R. oblongilobatum. This is not to be confused with the taxon from northern Vietnam which has also recently been introduced under the name R. valentinianum var. oblongilobatum but which is an entirely different creature from the true oblongilobatum (JN#11080) from west-central Yunnan. The northern Vietnam entity is a Maddenia and is probably best considered a variety of the recently named R. valentinioides from adjacent southern Yunnan. For now, until the taxonomy is finally settled, I am calling the Vietnamese plant R. valentinioides affinity. We do our part to try to untangle and explain confusing clines, subsections, and taxonomic uncertainties. If you want to learn more, subscribe to our YouTube channel, where we dive deep into the world of Rhododendron.

R. valentinianum Til V R.valentinioides