R. edgarianum
R. edgarianum (Lapponica) er sikkert en ren art da der er fundet rene bestande af denne. Blev betragtet som en hybrid (4N) mellem R. nitidulum (2N) og R. nivale ssp. boreale (6N), Barken er noget ujævn af flager. Den vokser opret til 1.m og blomstrer relativt sent for en Lapponica i maj-juni med smuk blålilla krone. Vokser på heder ved 2800 til 5000 m. i Kina (Yunnan, Sichuan, SØ-Tibet).
Hans Eiberg
R. x edgarianum according to Philipson & Philipson 20 / 6-1974) collected by Wilson 7 / 7-1908 on Ta-poo-shan as no. 3467. Wilson writes in his diary notes that this Lapponica grows on large areas like moors, so I have to ask “how many individuals does it take to be a species”?
Kurt Hansen
Western Szechuan: north of Tachien-lu, Ta-p´ao shan, forming heaths, alt. 4000-5000 m., July 7, 1908 (No. 3467, type); vicinity of Tachien-lu, moorlands, alt. 3600-4600 m., June and October 1908 (Nos. 3459, 1319, in part). This species is most closely allied to R. polycladum Franchet, which has narrower acute leaves, attenuate at the base and less densely scaly below, and a smaller calyx with two rotundate and three triangular lobes. Rhododendron ramosissimum Franchet, to which this new species is also closely related, differs in its foliage and short style. All the members in this group are very similar in general appearance and difficult to distinguish. The color, however, of the underface of the leaves, due to the presence of lepidote glands, apparently affords a useful character for separating the species. The roundish leaves, rufous-brown, and the membranous calyx distinguish this species from its allies. This species is named for the Rev. J. Hutson Edgar of the China Inland Mission (Thibetan branch) to whom I am indebted for much valued information and pleasant companionship in rambles round Tachien-lu. – E. H. W.