Rhododendron roxieanum var. cucullatum – JN
Billeder af Rhododendron roxieanum var. cucullatum – JN

R. roxieanum var. cucullatum TYPE location.(Taliensia). This is probably the first seed collection ever from the mountain where Handel-Mazzetti collected what became the type specimen in 1914. Broad leaved forms of roxieanum are very variable and plants on this location are different from the oblanceolate leaved form (globigerum) from Sichuan-Yunnan border and from recent introductions from Yunnan. This is probably the south eastern limit of this species. S Sichuan 3950 m.
Jens Nielsen
R. roxieanum var cucullatum, JN#12301, 4050 m., south Sichuan Luoji Shan.
● R. roxieanum var. cuculatum ARS09 #548 frø. Foto Hans Eiberg