Rhododendron aureum var. hypopitys

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Billeder af Rhododendron aureum var. hypopitys
R. aureum var. hypopitys i Mustila Aboretum, Finland. Foto: Jaakko Saarinen
R. aureum var. hypopitys i Mustila Aboretum, Finland. Foto: Jaakko Saarinen
R. aureum var. hypopitys i Mustila Aboretum, Finland. Foto: Jaakko Saarinen
R. aureum var. hypopitys i Mustila Aboretum, Finland. Foto: Jaakko Saarinen
R. aureum var. hypopitys i Norge hos OJL. Foto: Ole Jonny Larsen
R. aureum var. hypopitys i Norge hos OJL. Foto: Ole Jonny Larsen
R. aureum var. hypopitys i Norge hos OJL, bark. Foto: Ole Jonny Larsen
R. aureum var. hypopitys i Norge hos OJL, bark. Foto: Ole Jonny Larsen
R. aureum var. aureum / R. hypopitys. Frøplante fra Arboretets overskud (5-8 cm lange blade fra Aboretet, mellemform). Foto: Hans Eiberg
R. aureum var. aureum / R. hypopitys. Frøplante fra Arboretets overskud (5-8 cm lange blade fra Aboretet, mellemform). Foto: Hans Eiberg

R. aureum var. hypopitys / R. hypopitys (Pontica) (-25 °C). R. aureum var. hypopitys har i modsætning til var. aureum affaldende knopskæl og lancetformede blade.

 R. aureum var. hypopitys DnR24-008 frø. Foto: Hans Eiberg
 R. aureum var. hypopitys DnR24-008 frø. Foto: Hans Eiberg

“Evergreen strongly branched creeping shrub up to 2 m tall; annual growths are reddish-brown, thickened, up to 8 mm in diameter, shortly pubescent, old branches with a grayish bark. Leafy buds are conical, pointed, 15 mm long, 6 mm in diameter. Leaves (without petioles) 9-15 cm long and 2-5 (7) cm wide, broadly oval, dense, leathery, bright green above, bright below, gradually narrowed to a wedge-shaped base, with edges flat or slightly wrapped on the lower side. Flowers in umbellate short flaps. Flowers 4-6 cm long, rusty-felt pubescent. The calyx is flat, 3-5 mm in diameter. Corolla about 3 cm long, 4.5 cm in diameter, widely bell-shaped, yellow, incised to the middle into rounded lobes. Stamens 10, of unequal length (the upper ones are shorter), all are shorter than the corolla, the threads in the lower part are hairy. Boxes 13-17 mm long, conical, cylindrical.

Distribution: Amgunsky (eastern part) and Ussuriysk floristic region. Mostly in coniferous forests, spruce-fir, less often in larch forests. – Endem. – Described from the Northern Sikhote-Alin, the Tumnin River Basin, in the Largashi River Valley, 1934. V. Sochava. There are numerous transitions between it and Rh. aureum. Indeed, tall forms (up to 1 m) with falling scales are found up to northern Okhotia (Luzhin Bay). However, no typical Rh. hypopitys, there are no transitional forms either on Kamchatka, or on the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin Island, where there are all conditions suitable for them. Thus, this species in Russia has a very specific range, the border of which, however, is somewhat vague on the mainland.
Konstantin Cherezov

Kew’s Herbarium
gbif Herbarium (3649×5130) (gbif.org)

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